Complaints Procedure
St Mary's GP
- Patient complaints will be accepted in verbal and/or written form by all members of staff.
- Patients can choose to complete the written form if they so wish, see attached.
- The patient should be given the opportunity to give details of the complaint in private
- The staff member who takes the complaint will make a note re the detail of the complaint in the complaints book ( into which all postcards posted in the box in the reception room will also be inserted) and tell the patient that they will follow up on the complaint and come back to the patient within 48 hours with the next steps.
- The staff member will then report the complaint in a confidential manner to Dr Nixon ( if it involves another staff member and not simply a complaint re the premises/facilities etc.) and the next steps planned
- A meeting may be arranged between the patient and the staff member who is the source of the complaint to try and resolve matters
- If the patient is not satisfied with this meeting and/or the proposed solution then the content of the complaint should be referred to Dr Nixon who will follow up with the patient.
- Records of all complaints/outcomes will be kept and discussed at practice meetings with the aim of addressing any changes that need to be implemented.
- In the event of a serious adverse event the medical insurance body should be contacted at an early stage in the process.